
oauthenticator.oauth2 Base classes for Custom Authenticator to use OAuth with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.auth0 Custom Authenticator to use Auth0 OAuth with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.awscognito Custom Authenticator to use AWSCognito with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.azuread Custom Authenticator to use Azure AD with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.bitbucket Custom Authenticator to use Bitbucket OAuth with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.cilogon CILogon OAuthAuthenticator for JupyterHub
oauthenticator.generic Custom Authenticator to use generic OAuth2 with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.github Custom Authenticator to use GitHub OAuth with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.gitlab Custom Authenticator to use GitLab OAuth with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.globus Custom Authenticator to use Globus OAuth2 with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.google Custom Authenticator to use Google OAuth with JupyterHub.
oauthenticator.okpy Custom Authenticator to use okpy OAuth with JupyterHub
oauthenticator.openshift Custom Authenticator to use OpenShift OAuth with JupyterHub.
oauthenticator.mediawiki Custom Authenticator to use MediaWiki OAuth with JupyterHub